DON’T Recycle these items:
Other Items that are recyclable but not curbside (Fees listed if applicable)
- Televisions/Computer Monitors:
- $10 each for under 25” screen and $20 for 25” – 32”and 34” and up are $25, all console tv’s are $30 each- computer accepted for no charge. Commercial e-waste, including computers will be charge by the pound.
- Electronics: No charge for residential/ commercial charged by pound
- Untreated Wood/Pallets: $25 per ton
- Tires: By size and type
- Oil and Filters: No Charge – must be kept separate from other recycling/waste
- Lead Acid Batteries: No Charge
- Hazardous Materials: Call for disposal information
- Metal: No Charge
**Fees are subject to change without notice.
Business Recycling
- Shredded paper
- Fiber barrels (Uncoated Cardboard)
- Cardboard
- Plastics
- Metal
- Oil Filters
- Used Oil
- Batteries
If you have an item that you are unsure about, call us! New items are recyclable all the time.